Ok, lets get to the point. Heres the code, email me at [email protected] for bugs and, you dont have to, BUT I would REALLY appreciate an email to let me know that your using it. That way, if i get enough emails I'll keep releasing stuff and maintain this site, otherwise I'll just keep it all to myself :P.
finger | allows players to finger morts offline and see when they were last on, also includes an option for giving an afk message, version 1.3 FINAL BUGLESS RELEASE :) *YEAH* |
quest store | allows for a resetable quest store, using olc. |
disarm | hack of disarm to now TARGET a specific wielding. |
junk | combines drop and sacrifice into one command. |
donate | contains clan donate and normal donate, rewritten from someones code to check and make sure the pit is there :), otherwise it would probably crash. |
rename | renames a person by changing their name, saving them, then deleting the old pfile, hack of voltecs to be shorter |
countdown | changes your reboot and shutdown code to do a countdown instead of the normal *rebooting in a couple minutes, quite fighting* (fixed small bug that rebooted when shutting down and vice-versa) |
New Clone | When cloning 50 fidos with old system it was (clone mob fido) 50 times. With this code its (clone mob 50*fido). Same for objects. |